# Examples Here are some common testing patterns where testbook can help. ## Mocking requests library **Notebook:** ![mock-requests-library](https://imgur.com/GM1YExq.png) **Test:** ```python from testbook import testbook @testbook('/path/to/notebook.ipynb', execute=True) def test_get_details(tb): with tb.patch('requests.get') as mock_get: get_details = tb.get('get_details') # get reference to function get_details('https://my-api.com') mock_get.assert_called_with('https://my-api.com') ``` ## Asserting dataframe manipulations **Notebook:** ![dataframe-manip](https://imgur.com/g1DrVn2.png) **Test:** ```python from testbook import testbook @testbook('/path/to/notebook.ipynb') def test_dataframe_manipulation(tb): tb.execute_cell('imports') # Inject a dataframe with code tb.inject( """ df = pandas.DataFrame([[1, None, 3], [4, 5, 6]], columns=['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype='float') """ ) # Perform manipulation tb.execute_cell('manipulation') # Inject assertion into notebook tb.inject("assert len(df) == 1") ``` ## Asserting STDOUT of a cell **Notebook:** ![dataframe-manip](https://imgur.com/cgtvkph.png) **Test:** ```python from testbook import testbook @testbook('stdout.ipynb', execute=True) def test_stdout(tb): assert tb.cell_output_text(1) == 'hello world!' assert 'The current time is' in tb.cell_output_text(2) ```